Living Simply

Happiness is the new rich. -Syed Balkhi

Floating Along

What 500 million years ago looked like.

Environmental Art

Activating Photo Mode.

Wild Game

The eye never forgets what the heart has seen. -African proverb

View With a Roof

It's Antoni Gaudi, not gaudy.

Spotty Focus

Do you spot the shallow depth of field?

Sunrise or Sunset?

Every end is the beginning of something else. -M.L. Stedman

A Unique Perspective

There are always multiple ways to look at things.

Design Patterns

There is no single design pattern for everyone.

The Beginning

It's not about the gear but...

Curiosity Owl

Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?

Relaxing in the sun

The sun brings with it warmth and life.